9  Resamping Applications


In jackknife-after-bootstrap, show that the probability that a bootstram sample omits a given observation \(i\) is asymptotically equal to \(e^{-1}\) (about 0.368). That is, show that for large \(n\) the proportion of bootstrap samples that omit observation \(i\) is approximately equal to \(e^{-1}\), \(i=1, \ldots, n\).


  1. Fit the simple linear model to the DAAG::ironslag data discussed in Example 8.16.

  2. Compute the modified residuals two ways and show that they are qual. Hint: try using the all.equal function to compare the results. Method 1: Use the definition and the hatvalues function. Method 2: Use the rstandard function with sd=1.

  3. Compute that hat values directly from the formula for \(h_{jj}\). Check that your vector \(h\) is identical to the hatvalues function result.


Refer to the catsM data in the boot package.

  1. Display a fitted line plot (use basic R graphics) for the simple linear regression model predicting body weight (Bwt) from heat weight (Hwt).

  2. Display the fitted line plot using ggplot2.

  3. Display a plot of residuals vs. fits.

  4. Comment on the fit of this model. Are there any outliers? If so, identify these points by observation number.

  5. Based on your analysis above, to analyze the fit using bootstrap, choose a resampling method and explain your reasoning.

  6. Bootstrap the slopes of this model and obtain a bootstrap estimate of the standard error of \(\hat{\beta}_1\).

  7. Use jackknife-after-bootstrap to identify influential observations.


Implement the resampling cases method on the MASS::mammals data using the boot function. Compare your results for the bias and se.


To investiage the error distribution and influence, we would like to have bootstrapped estimates of the squared error. Suppose that a data set contains the response y and predictor x. Write a statistic function for use with the boot function that will return the MSE for the fitted simple linear regression model \(y = \beta_0 + \beta_1x + \varepsilon\). Test this function by generating random bivariate normal data and running an ordinary bootstrap of the MSE for the regression model.


Refer to the mammals data in the MASS package, discussed in this chapter. Use your solution to the previous problem to bootstrap the MSE of the model (9.4). Using the jackknife-after-bootstrap, identify which points are influential. Compare this with the influential points identified from the bootstrapped slopes.


Plot the bootstrapped intercepts from Example 9.9 using the plot method for boot with jack=TRUE. This displays a histogram of empirical influence values with a Q-Q plot, and a plot similar to jack.after.boot below. Identify influential observations from the plot. Are there points with standardized influence values larger than 2 in absolute value? Repeat this for the slopes by setting index=2. Do you find the same points influential in both plots?